Last week was very exciting at MPAS UK HQ.
Our CEO aka Number Ninja Jess was featured in this article "Cautious optimism about HMRC’s new VAT points-based penalties" by AAT Comment. All about Accountants weighing in on whether the system succeeds in making penalties fairer. The article makes for a very interesting read.
Our first shiny *NEW* exclusive client e-newsletter found its way into our clients' inboxes, with advice about dealing with the recession, mention of our shiny new podcast due to be released last week and a Client Story Feature featuring our talented client Soph! She creates beautiful artwork. If you are one of our lovely clients and you didn't get your copy of our new client e-newsletter last Tuesday, please leave a comment below and we'll check in with you and add you to our list so you catch the next one at the end of this month.
Guess what?! We actually launched our shiny *NEW* podcast last Tuesday (the same day as the e-newsletter)! Accounts can be intimidating. Finance can be frustrating. Money can be scary. But does it have to be? We don’t think so. Click on your preferred podcast provider to have a listen: Spotify, Apple Podcast, Podbean.

Please be kind! It's our very first podcast.
We had a lot of fun planning it and recording our very first episode.
The team have also had their input. We have plans to include a little chat with some of our lovely clients during future episodes, share their nuggets of wisdom, talent, frustration, success and much more.
Who knows, they may have the product or service that you've been looking for!
Look out for our next episode coming soon. Click on that FOLLOW and watch this space.